Happy, Happy Birthday! Jennifer is one of my cousins whom I love dearly! She lives with her husband is Enterprise, Utah but we grew up as neighbors and were very close. She is a very smart, beautiful, and fun woman! She loves fashion and her family. I hope that your day is PERFECT!
Happy Birthday Jennifer!
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3:09 PM
1 People Lovin' It
I am proud to say that after taking a blog rating quiz...my three year old is allowed to look at our family page! It did let me know that I said pain 2x and poop 1x! That's my life I suppose! If you want to take the quiz click here.
My blog is worth $10,726.26.
How much is your blog worth?
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1:55 PM
People Lovin' It
My mom, my brother, my girls, and myself all went shopping in Williamsburg last week. We had so much fun and the girls were great. I had made Isabella a cozy, warm bed in her stroller and put this blanket over it so that she couldn't see us. I walked with her for about 5 minutes and after her being so quiet I thought for sure she had fallen asleep. A few minutes later I turned the stroller to the side and saw this! She had found a peep hole and was soooooooooooo not sleeping! She was probably thinking that her mom is crazy!!
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8:06 PM
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Hailey has naturally curly hair but it is hard to get the curls just right! She was so excited about putting these curlers in her hair! Here are some of the shots that we took through the process! She actually slept in them all night and loved it. Yes, my daughter is eating Fruit Loops!
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7:52 PM
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Happy Birthday Jen
I just wanted to send a shout out to my Sister-in-law Jen and let her know how much I love her! This is her sweet family (that's one of John's brothers). Jen is an amazing woman and I am amazed by all that she can do! She is a fantastic mother and loves her children more then anything...besides James of course! She is creative and has the most beautiful decorating capabilities! She is so fun to go shopping with, and to play games with, and to eat with, and to talk with! I love you Jen...Happy Birthday!
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7:37 PM
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I took this video a few months ago and Hailey loves to watch it! This ones for you Hailey!
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6:57 PM
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Looking Back on 2007
1. What did you do in 2007 that you’d never done before? I started my own business, I rode on the
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I can’t even remember what they where last year…sad I know! I’m sure they were similar to this years!
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Besides myself…my friend Abbi and a ton of my sister-in-laws Keri (in Cali.) and Jen (in Texas) and Jenny (in Idaho) and Anna (in Texas)!!! My cousin Heidi, plus a ton of friends from my past…Andrea, Colleen, Jessica, Brook, Chrissy, and Heather!
4. Did anyone close to you die? No…my grandma is not doing so well but she is still hangin’ in there!
5. What states/countries did you visit?
6. What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007?
7. What dates from 2007 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
February 8th-Isabella Maiya was born and joined our family!
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Starting my business ‘Little Miss Priss’! Losing all of my baby weight in 5 months!! YEAH!! I was able to exercise 6 days a week for 2 months!
9. What was your biggest failure? I stopped exercising after a vacation (getting out of the habit really messed me up!)
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
A miscarriage and a birth! Both required some recovery time! I’m doing great though! The day before I was scheduled to be induced with Isabella I hurt my back so bad that walking wasn’t even an option! They hooked me up to the epidural right away so that the pain in my back would go away! After Izzie was born…it went away!
11. What was the best thing you bought?
Hmmm…It’s hard to remember all of the cool stuff that I bought in 2007! I really liked a gift that John got me for Christmas…Bluetooth! It has been so wonderful because I love to talk on the phone and now I can EASILY do EVERYTHING while on the phone. John had to add minutes to our phone plan because I have enjoyed this gift so much. I’d love to talk to all of you!!
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? Hailey Hecker learned to sit through sacrament meeting relatively quietly!! She has her occasional fits but she used to be a regular in the hall! Good job Hailey!
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Not a good question for a blog! I really am blessed with the most amazing people around me! For the most part…I feel extremely loved and have been able to love others deeply!
14. Where did most of your money go?
To Johns education!
15. What are you most excited about?
Springtime…usually my children do not get sick in the Spring! I’m also really excited about John graduating from school!
16. What song will always remind you of 2007?
Probably Bubbly by Colbie Caillat! It was the first song that I had on my new love…my blog!
17. Compared to this time last year, ohhh…I am so much better! I was 8 1/2 months pregnant and ohhhh soooo round! I was not very comfortable! I have an easy pregnancy at the beginning but the end is miserable. Even though I’m not petite…my body does not handle being that big very well! Everything that you could think of hurt!
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? I wish that I would have served others more.
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Maybe eat!! Have you ever gone to bed and thought…I think that I ate too much today?
20. How did you spend Christmas?
With the Niepraschk family! We did miss all of the Hecker’s though!!
21. Did you fall in love in 2007?
Ummm…yes….with Desperate Housewives! So lame…I know but so entertaining! I’m always in love with my family so I’m just leaving that as understood!
22. What was your favorite TV program?
Ha, ha I guess that I just answered this but I also love Lost, House, American Idol, and Next Top Model! My favorite station is the Food Network! I love Paula Dean…she’s so cool J!
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? Again, a silly question but nope…I don’t hate anyone…that is a great feeling!
24. What was the best book you read? This year it was the Twilight Series!! It took me a little while to get into it but by the end I was hooked and I can’t wait until the next one comes out!
25. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Well, I lead the music in Primary and that’s about as deep into music as I get! I did fall in love with some new songs though.
26. What did you want and get?
Perfume! I have wanted Burberry Brit since last Christmas!! John got it for me…with help from my mom! I loved it so much that John received the men’s cologne in the same scent!! I love to get a new scent every year. I get so bored with old smells!
27. What did you want and not get?
A Mini-Van! I guess that I have to wait for the third baby!! Until it’s a necessity….it’s not happening!
28. What was your favorite film of this year?
That’s hard to say because I love movies…lots of movies…but I loved ‘The Ultimate Gift.’ I don’t think that it was a new movie this year but it is so good and new to me this year!
29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I was 26 and had just had a baby! John and I went to Macaroni Grill while my parents watched the kids! We couldn’t be gone for long so that was all that happened! John brought me breakfast in bed and spoiled me all day! I was able to go out to lunch with my great friends Chablis and Abbi (thanks girls) ummm…PF Changs! Of course my parents took care of me too!
30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
I would have loved to have won the lottery but seeing how we don’t play the lottery that’s not happening anytime soon.
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007?
Well, I LOVE Down East Basics undershirts and clothes (they are like Shade but cheaper and cuter J!) I have one on everyday…so I guess that I’m all about layering!
32. What kept you sane? The gospel, good friends (Girls Night), a sweet husband, and my mom!!
33. Which celebrity did you fancy the most? Probably Posh Spice-I know what’s the big deal? I think that she is so pretty-she’s in such good shape and has great style!
34. What political issue stirred you the most? I’m loving the debates between Republicans! Go Romney! I must say that I am not a fan of a few of the other candidates…Yikes!
35. Who did you miss the most? I miss my dad a lot! He moved to
36. Who was the best new person you met?
Hands down…Heidi Russell. She is one of the most amazing woman that I have been able to meet. She is kind, sincere, giving, thankful, grateful, beautiful, organized, stylish, polished, fun, and just so darn easy to love! What a great new person to add to my list of many great people that I have been able to get to know!
37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007: That everything can be beautiful…it’s all how you look at it and it’s about what you do with it!!
38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. “There is no joy without the pain, sometimes he has to let it rain!” **** I’m so thankful for all of my blessings because I am able to realize that they are blessings!
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8:19 PM
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Yee Haw!!
We have a great ward activities committee that is always planning fun family activities that are so great! This week there was a chili cook-off cowboy party and Hailey and I has a blast! John stayed home with Izzie (she was sooo sick)! My brother is living with my mom for a little while to help with the packing and final projects on the house. It's been fun to have him around! Click here for the recipe of the winning chili! It was amazing! The family didn't actually use a dutch oven though...I guess that it still works!
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3:35 PM
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Her new trick!
Isabella has not been the speediest at moving around and getting up but she has finally figured this one out. She thinks that it is so funny to sit up in her crib and then stand up to talk to her sister. I do not think that this is funny....but it is very cute. I am having a hard time getting them to sleep though and am desperate to figure out a way to keep her lying down when I put her down. She doesn't rollover....she sits straight up!
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3:29 PM
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I'm a Survivor!!
I'm actually only a survivor because I have been so blessed with the ability to survive! It sounds like most households are battling the nasty winter bugs that are floating around and our house was not forgotten. Between my two children, we have dealt with someone being sick continually for the last 3 weeks. I am not one to take my children to the doctor...most of the time I feel like they send you home and you have just wasted valuable resting time. John and I just do our best as parents and we end up doing a lot of snuggling, medicating, wiping, and rocking! It's so sad to see your babies uncomfortable! Isabella loves nursing and she especially loves to nurse in the middle of the night! On average she wakes up 3 times a night to enjoy her favorite snack and then she gets a good tuck back into her cozy bed! It's been this way ever since she was born (almost 1 year). John is so sweet to her and gets so sad when she cries...so we don't let her cry! I can handle this...if she goes right back to sleep! With her being sick, she is feeding and then crying, crying, crying, and crying! Hailey is also making her appearance a few times a night which means that I do not sleep very much! So...I am a survivor because everyday I am able to get up after cat napping all night and carry on with our busy day! I know that my Heavenly Father has blessed me to get through this hard time and I am so thankful for that. I know that I have so many important things to do in a day and I appreciate that I am not alone!
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2:51 PM
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Christmas Happenings!
What a wonderful year this has been for our family! We decided not to send out Christmas cards this year (to save a few bucks) but we will definitely be sending them out next year so don't take us off your list just yet! We loved receiving all of your letters and pictures and have enjoyed seeing a small peek into your lives! We have really enjoyed having my dad and brothers in town but are sad to see them leave again soon. The Holidays go by so fast! We have loved hanging out with John more too! The Hecker house has had at least one person sick all of our three week break! Hailey was up all Christmas Eve night with some sort of stomach bug (which means that I didn't sleep either!) It didn't end there though! She has decorated our car, a room at my parents house, and Olive Garden with her vomit! She also has an awful runny nose and nasty cough that we just can't seem to help her get over. We are all praying for her to be feeling better soon.
Here is a little glimpse of our 2007:
Isabella Maiya Mae was born on February 8th and has brought so much love and joy to our family. She has mastered eating, pooping, crawling, and playing! She has not figured out how to sleep through the night yet...we are crossing our fingers that this will come soon! She is already a shadow as she like to be where her sister is at all times!
Hailey turned three this summer and has turned into at least the equivalent of a 6 year old! Sometimes we think that her time clock must be off! She is so independent! She has learned how to ride an 18" bike and has started preschool (a rotation school that some friends and I started). She love to cook, do the dishes, play with friends, and watch Caillou!
John is officially half way through his 5 year Doctorate of Psychology program at Regent University! He has received straight A's for two semesters this year and deserves it for all of his hard work and sacrifices! He has been interning at Langley Air Force base two days a week and has really enjoyed his experiences there. He is the Ward Clerk in our Ward and because he is so organized, he has aided in keeping our ward running smoothly! He wishes that there was more time for golfing and tennis...maybe in a few years!
I have loved being a mom of two! I spend my days running our household (cleaning, laundry, dishes, feeding, bathing, dressing, carrying, and picking up the endless scattering of toys!) As I have been able to serve our children, my love for them has deepened! In November we found out that I miscarried for the second time! After the D&C I got an infection from the surgery and was pretty out of it for a little while. Thanks to great friends and family, we got through it and we look forward to more children someday! I have been the Primary Chorister for two years and love that calling; however I have now been called as the Primary 2nd Counselor and I look forward to the growth and learning that comes with a new calling. I have also been very busy with my new business 'Little Miss Priss' and have loved every second of it! I have a great support system of family and friends that have made all things possible for me and these people have added to the fun of my year!!
Our family enjoyed a wonderful trip to Utah in August and we enjoyed spending time with family and friends. If we didn't get to see you then we look forward to catching up with you next time. Because both of our families will soon be there we will have more vacations there.
Thank you again for your wonderful Christmas cards. We are so thankful for the wonderful friendships that we have been able to make throughout the years. Some of you we don't get to see very often and some of you we never get to see, but just know that we love you and cherish the memories that we have with you! All of our friends have made an impact in our lives and you are thought of often! Happy New Year!
To read the captions from the pictures, click on the small X on Michael Buble's box!
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10:02 AM
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