We have had such a fun Christmas. First of all, John has taken time off from writing his dissertation and so we have loved having him around all day. This was our first year staying home for Christmas and not going to either of our families homes. Although we would have loved to be with them we decided to make the best of the time and really enjoy each other. I was really excited to make a delicious dinner and so I baked a honey ham, potato casserole, glazed carrots, rolls, and pecan pie. It was WAY too much food for our family but so fun! It was a beautiful, warm day so we took the kids to Mount Trashmore to feed the ducks and run up and down the mountain. It was also windy and so we had to fly kites on the top of the hill!
If you threw the bread up into the air, the seagulls would catch the bread in their mouths before it could get to the ducks. Here Hailey is showing us how it's done!
We had attempted to make Gingerbread houses for Family Home Evening a few weeks ago and although we had a blast...we were not super successful!
First Attempt!I found a kit and we decided that Christmas Eve would be the perfect time to put it together.
Second Attempt!We then gathered around the tree and opened up our pajamas and "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas." I had secretly made John and me pajama pants so it was fun for us to wear new ones too.
We gathered on blankets in front of our TV and snuggled while we watched the 30 minute show. It was then off to bed for the babes so that John and I could play Santa. SO FUN!!!!! John made a boobie trap down the hall so that the kids couldn't get out to the gifts before waking us up! Here was the note that he attached to it.
Our kids wake up early! They go to bed early...so they wake up early. Christmas was no exception. Hailey came into our room at 5am and she was SO excited. She knows that she has to be quiet because Talon sleeps in our room and so she was SO excited SO quietly. Her whole body was shaking. FOR REAL! I didn't want to wake up Isabella quite yet so I tucked her in next to me to try and hold her off for a little bit. As soon as John realized that Hailey was awake he jumped out of bed and off we went to get our little Izzie! She was also very excited although I don't know if she really knew what she was excited for! Here is Hailey's -OH MY GOSH IT'S FINALLY CHRISTMAS FACE! She is holding the movie Tinkerbell!
Talon loves this "Einstein" Dinosaur! He is just starting to play with things and he is so curious! He has played with this constantly since Christmas! The girls thought that it was so great that they were able to open up Talon's gifts too. What is it about opening up gifts...even if they are not for you? Maybe we should wrap up vegetables at dinner...I bet they would eat them then!!!
By 9:30 we had eaten all our donuts and chocolate milk and we were all ready to go back to bed! By 10:30 most of us were up again and ready to PLAY PLAY PLAY! We lounged most of the day and watched some of our new movies. I made Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole which I got from my friend Heidi's Recipe Blog. It was so good. I used the leftover ham from Christmas Eve-go here to find the recipe plus many many more!
Some other fun things that we have done during this break include John playing school with the girls-And me getting together with all of my best friends from High School!
I am so thankful for this season! I am thankful to be able to celebrate Christ's birth and to sing beautiful music. I am thankful for sparkling lights and delicious baked goods. I am thankful for reflection on those you love and for finding the perfect gift. And I am especially thankful for a great time to build traditions and forever memories with your family. My memories as a child of Christmas are priceless and I am so thankful for the traditions that have been passed down from our families. I am so excited for the bonding that comes from having family traditions and I think that is one of the most important reasons for the season...to bring families closer together in our fast paced and hectic world. Merry Christmas!!
The Bits: August
3 years ago