
Gobble * Gobble

Although we greatly missed our families, we were able to find joy in many other ways!

We loved having John's brother Peter visit us!

We had a blast hanging out at the Burton's home.
Sharing good food is always great!
We laughed and laughed while playing silly games!

And building great friendships is always a blessing!
I really enjoyed cooking this year and basically lived in the kitchen for two days. I made a turkey for my family with homemade mashed potatoes and gravy, on Wednesday, so that we could enjoy yummy leftovers! On Thanksgiving Day we ate with the Burton's (a family in our ward) and the food was delicious. I made homemade rolls that turned out to be my new favorite! They are from the Lion House cookbook (Lion House Rolls) and they are YUMMY! I practiced for a week to find the perfect rolls and this is definitly it! I also made pie crust from scratch for the first time ever...I know LAME...but I was so proud of myself. I found such an easy and tasty recipe. It was also my first time cooking a turkey (which was so juicy and delicious) so this was a very sucessful Thanksgiving!


CLAMES said...

Okay, I seriously thought you did some photoshop in the first picture. John and his brother look SO much alike!

Colleen said...

We celebrated with friends too, and it was really fun! And you should feel proud of the crust, I totally would be!

Heidi said...

You look so pretty...I am always depressed and happy while looking at your blog...I miss you so much!!

Stephanie said...

Glad you had such success. Hey, and don't feel bad about taking this long to make your own pie crutst...Debbie made her first pie crust this Thanksgiving, too :)

Vicki said...

Katrina, as you know we spent Thanksgiving with Heidi and had a wonderful time, but I just wanted to say, after reading her blog about you, what a special place you hold in her heart. You guys are REALLY kindrid spirits. She will always say how much she misses you. You bother were so blesses in Va. to have formed that wonderful friendship you share! YOU LOOK GREAT, and your girls look so grown up!

Janell said...

I'm impressed you did so much for Thanksgiving. I'm extremely intimated by the turkey...hoping I never have to make it! I would love to learn how to make rolls. Maybe I should start with the Lion House Rolls and have good luck from the start. And yes, John and his brother could be twins...maybe even identical twins :)