We had such a fun evening at our church Christmas Party! So much time and planning was put into this great event. Hailey could not wait to see Santa! The week prior to the party Hailey would tell me all about how she was going to tell Santa what she wanted. We had a discussion about how she could mention only a few of the things that she wanted. She explained to me that she didn't know how many a few was so I told her two or three. She planned out exactly what she wanted and then narrowed it done to a final three. 1) Cupcake Maker 2) Baby that uses the potty 3) Dot Maker Machine (?). Sure enough, she told Santa exactly what she wanted.
Hailey has grown into 4 1/2 very nicely. As she gets closer to 5 she is becoming more and more fun to have a round. She is very responsible and is always looking to help me out.
Who could resist those kisses? Isabella is still a sweet and snuggly little girl. She loves her family so much and has also built relationships with a few of my friends! These kids really do make this time of year so special. Christmas wouldn't be near as fun without them!
Just a side note: All three of my children were asleep by 6:30 tonight!! That is especially great because I have a newborn and newborns do not usually go to sleep so early! I enjoyed a quiet evening folding laundry and watching a movie while John was helping out at tithing settlement.
Hi Katrina, I love your Christmas pictures from the party. Your are all beautiful and it looks like you all just continue to have a blast together! Enjoy the holidays!
You look beautiful and so does hailey in those shots of just you and the one of just her...not that you don't always look beautiful!!! Cant' wait to see you over the break!!!! Annie is so excited to see and play with Hailey!
How fun to have Santa there! Our ward has decided that having him there somehow takes away from the spiritualness (Is that a word?) of Christmas so he hasn't been invited for the last 2 years. Abby was sad and asked me why Santa didn't come. I told her that he would have but they didn't invite him. How sad!
We even have the perfect Santa in our ward with his own suit and a real Santa beard he grows out just for the occasion.
You have such a beautiful family!
You all look so beautiful! What a great family!
Your hair is so long!! It's gorgeous. I'm so jealous, we definately missed being at the Kempsville Christmas party. Our ward party here was pretty lame; Only like 20 people came. And I'm so jealous that you got to see Heidi! Not fair.
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