Meet Lily. She was ours for 3 days. John came home from work and heard meowing coming from his car but he dismissed it since there couldn't be a cat in his car...he just drove home for 20 minutes. About 30 minutes later a few girls came to our door and told John that there is a kitten in his car. Sure enough...she was in the engine...under the hood. He rescued her. Our kids were in HEAVEN! We instantly made her comfortable and made her a bed and litter box in one of the bathrooms. She instantly knew what to do. We fell in love with her and her beautiful green eyes. She didn't shed. She didn't care if the kids pulled her tail. She loved to snuggle. She listened and obeyed. Seriously...you tell her to come and she came. Our apartments would not let us keep her. I tried. I called animal control today. They came a few hours later. It was awful. I know it's hard to understand...if you don't love them...you wouldn't. We are so sad. Mostly John and I. The babes think that we will be getting a dog next week when one gets stuck in John's car. My heart is broken...and we called to get her back. They said we had to pay $70 adoption fee. RUDE! Watching the animal control lady put her in a box and her kicking just made me sick...can't get it out of my head. Of course tonight I get THREE emails from craigslist with people who would love to have her. I am tempted to pay the $70 just to give her to a good home...I might!
No WAY! That is amazing!! That picture of her staring at your family pic is just awesome. It's like she was stalking you guys down to be a part of you.
I can imagine how sad it was to send her away!! Poor thing. Hopefully, with such good manners, she has a good home and their in contact with the pound to get her back home!
Too sad! I think I would have cried my eyes out.
Awww! That's so sad! Darn apartment rules!
That pic really is so good! Hilarius!
Oh, that is sad. Pets become part of the family so easily.
LOVED that picture !!!!
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