So here is the 20 week shot! We are just about to walk out the door to find out if we are having a boy or a girl!
Check out that sweet face! The profile looks a lot like Hailey's did in her ultrasound! Look at the next picture to get a good shot of the sex!
Can you see it? John and I are still laughing about this photo! It's so obvious that it's almost funny. He was actually crossing his legs for a bit but we shook him up a bit to get this shot! Hello rear end!
These 4D pictures always scare me a little bit. I think that I am used to them now so it's not quite as scary to me as it used to be. There is another great shot of our little boys parts (if you look close). He had his hands up by his face the entire time he was having his photo shoot. We are so excited and can't wait to have this special child in our lives. Hailey's first comment when she was shown the photos was, "Why is he all covered in mud?" It does kind of look that way huh?
Can you guess?
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2:04 PM
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Growing Belly!
So I have had some requests for a belly picture and so here is the best that I have for now. I am now 19 weeks and we have our ultrasound scheduled for Tuesday the 29th! We can't wait!
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2:54 PM
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Getting Isabella's Ears Pierced!
So I am a little behind on some posts but I wanted to still add them! Here is sweet little Isabella getting her ears pierced in February. She was such a sport and cried only for a minute. They wouldn't pierce them both at the same time, which isn't such a great idea! With Hailey they did them both at the same time and then they were done. I didn't like the fact that after the first ear, she knew what was coming next and she was not super happy about that. I took her to get some ice cream and had some good play time at the mall after that.
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2:43 PM
People Lovin' It
A great get away!
A few weeks ago, John was noticing that I was in need of some real sleep so he sent me off for an evening of relaxation with my mom! He told me to take her out for dinner and then had me spend the night over there without any children so that I could get a full nights rest. It was so fun and a great break. I came home the next morning to a love note from him and another one from the girls. They also made this great sign for me to enjoy all day long. Thanks John!
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2:34 PM
People Lovin' It
Easter Dresses
I wasn't going to buy the girls new Easter dresses this year ... but I had a good friend remind me that it's Spring time and it's about the right time to buy new dresses for the following summer. Hailey grows so fast and she didn't have very many Sunday dresses that fit her anymore so it worked out perfectly!Isabella's cute dress was actually a birthday gift from Heidi Russell! I love it and thought that it was perfect for an Easter dress.
I made some cute bows to match and we called it good. It was really cold here on Easter so we had to bundle them up to and from church!
We couldn't get a picture with John because he had to stay after church for a bit to do Executive Secretary stuff and the girls didn't last in their dresses that long. Bummer!
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9:02 AM
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The Most Amazing Woman in the World
I have been overwhelmed with love for my mother. She is the most selfless, patient, kind, and giving woman that I know. I have been so lucky to have had the opportunity to live in Virginia Beach and be so close to my family. My children have been able to witness my mothers amazing ability to love and serve. Right now, my parents are in the middle of selling their home and moving my grandma and grandpa who live next door...all at the same time. My dad is in Utah working and waiting for my mom to close things off here at the beach, and my mom has been lucky enough to have my brother Kevin live with her for the last 4 months to help with all that needs to be done around the house. He's been a huge help to her but will be leaving next week so they are trying to get as much done as they can before he takes off, as she will then be without a big strong man to help her on a daily basis. Moving my grandparents is to say the least....a huge job and my family that resides here is doing all that they can to help. I know she gets tired...but she doesn't stop. She continues even when she doesn't feel well! My girls adore her and are always excited to go to her house and always sad to go home. Thanks for being such a wonderful mother to me and such an amazing grandmother to my children. I can't even go a single day without talking to her atleast 3 times on the phone! She is a joy to be around I love her very much!
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8:44 AM
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Happy Birthday Baby!
Today is John's 30th birthday! I can't believe that I am married to a 30 year old...just kidding John! What a fun week we have had as I made a different one of his favorite dishes each night this week. Tonight we have 3 of my best friends from high school coming over to play with the girls while we go out to dinner. Thanks girls!! They actually gave me a gift certificate to KINCAIDS for me birthday and now we get to enjoy it for Johns! If you haven't heard about this restaurant before , it's slightly upscale and we are so excited! I love you so much John and am so glad that I have been able to spend the last 5 of your birthdays with you! You deserve to be pampered and of course I want you to have the best day ever. Here's a tribute to you!Look at those chubby cheeks! Can you see any resemblance to Isabella or Hailey?
What a cute baseball player!
These next two pictures are from when we were dating. We sure did have fun! This one in front of water is at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas! What fun memories of have of dating and being engaged to John! It was pure fun...I could talk to him for hours and hours!
This song playing is our song! The Luckiest from Ben Folds. It means so much to me!
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4:30 PM
People Lovin' It
I made tutus for the girls and had so much fun doing it! I wanted to get some shots of them wearing them to put up on my website so that I can start selling them. Here's one in color...check out the slide below! There are not as many pictures of Hailey because her personality is so funny and she likes to be goofy when I get the camera out.
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7:15 AM
People Lovin' It
Finding Easter Baskets
Isabella has definitely figured out what candy was and she LOVED the StarBurst Jellybeans! Every time we would walk past her Easter candy she would put out her hands and whine!Hailey still asks me every morning if it's Easter! She had a great day full of excitement and fun. Eventually I will put some pictures of the girls in their Easter dresses.
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6:43 AM
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