
The Easter Bunny Did Come to Our House

 Yes He did!! Even though we were a little distracted with our newest little Hecker joining our family that same week. What a fun week. It was extra fun because we had my parents visiting. There were some fun activities that our friends were doing this week but we couldn't participate because of having a brand new baby so we tried to make Easter fun while staying home the entire week!
 We had a fun (and sunny and warm) Saturday before Easter which was very unusual for April this year. Out of the three weeks that my parents were with us I think that we only had 3 sunny days! We were very happy that we could do the Easter Egg hunt outside. My dad and John hid the eggs (some with money and some with candy).
 The kids thought this was so fun!! I think that money eggs were the most exciting for them.
 I really hate all of the Easter pictures with me in them. Just being honest. I still looked 5 months pregnant. But...here is one anyways.
 Dying Easter Eggs. I was nursing Lucy and missed this entire activity.

 Sunday morning the kids are searching for their baskets. Very fun!
 We did our usual Easter Egg bash and invited our neighbors to join us. I seriously love this tradition.
What great memories we shared on this wonderful Easter.

1 comment:

The Tyler's said...

Love all your Easter traditions! And so fun to have your parents there.

It was so good catching up last week!...even if I could barley hear you...haha totally kidding! I'm really nervous for #4!