

Big news at the Hecker house! Isabella has not had her binky during the day for 4 days and today she threw them away and went to sleep without a single complaint about needing her binky. All in the name of a special Zhu Zhu pet she picked out named Roxie! I do realize that she is FAR too old for a binky and I have been stressing about this for about 2 years. She was ready...so it was easy. I hope that it sticks!!


Chablis said...

Congrats! I will probably be calling you when it's time to break Henry of his "beetee".

Susan said...

We are so excited for you and Izzie !!! Congratulations !!!! Love you !!!

Dixie said...

Wow, it sounds so easy. Bribes are good. Good thinking, Mom!!

Jamie said...

Yay Isabella!!! I dread the day I take Reece's away!

Blatter said...

I am jealous! I want to get Graham off it soon!

Anna said...
