

January was a fun month for us! We started it off by adopting two rodents into our family. Meet  Rosie and Rutabaga! They were born on Christmas (or very close) and we are very thankful to our sweet friends who gave them too us. They have grown so much since this picture...I'm sure you are dying to see them. I'll get a recent picture posted soon :)! After a few escapes...eekkkekkkekkkeek...we have finally figured our how they were doing it and fixed that problem and they are now a sweet addition to the clan! They are noisy at night...that darn wheel...but we love them anyways!

The best part about January was that we had the best visitors EVER!!! GRANDMA AND GRANDPA!!! Not just one set...but BOTH!!
Grandma Hecker is so sweet to our babies. She lets them follow her everywhere and gives them all of the attention that they desire.
We can't have out of town visitors without going to the beach...but it was pretty cold. They brought us a great gift...one that was JUST perfect for a picnic at the beach....
It's called the Volcano and it is the most fun, portable grill! We ate a delicious lunch-chicken fajitas and a fabulously messy and tasty dessert-Smores!

That's me and Hailey. I am usually the photographer...so here is a picture of myself!

Next came Grandma and Grandpa Niepraschk. They came just in time for Isabella's 3rd birthday party and they were SO helpful. My dad is so great to run errands with us and sit in the car while the babies are napping. We were able to get so much done with them around. My mom is the best shopping partner so I was in heaven.

I love this picture of them reading to the girls. So sweet. I ended up getting really sick this week and I do not know what I would have done if they weren't around. I feel sad that we didn't get to do a lot of fun activities (of course they were happy to do whatever we were doing) but I was so glad that they were with me.


Chablis said...

I don't know why it's so hard for me to believe that you have hamsters!

Jen said...

I love the beach pictures. That one of dad is cool.

And I definitely still cannot believe you have hamsters. Ewww.:)