My friend Natalie is an amazing photographer! She does such a great job at capturing the moment. You can check out some of her work here. She took these maternity shots the week that I went into labor with Talon and the pictures of him are when he was 10 days old. I love them. Thank you Natalie!!

Beautiful pictures!
What gorgeous pictures. She certainly is talented.
Wow - those are beautiful!! The last one of the maternity shots is my favorite....gorgeous!!
What beautiful pictures of Talon too!! You are just gorgeous and I miss you so much!!
Love the pictures--can't wait to meet little Talon. Miss you much!
Such sweet, priceless pictures! And, if I were as cute as you when Im pregnant...I think I'de have 10 more kids!!! I really wished we lived closer to each other. What beautiful children you and John create:) :)
So cute. I didn't do anything like that with either one of mine. And man did you look GREAT your last week of pregnancy. You don't look very big to me at all! Sometime I'll have to send you my before birth shots. It's pretty scary! I could knock down children with my belly!
So lovely!
so cute Trina. the pictures are beautiful....LOVED seeing you, hopefully it will be again soon at Thanksgiving..I'll let you know as soon as we know!!
Darling pictures, Katrina! Little Talon is such a cutie. And you looked great for 40 weeks!
those were truly beautiful!
What great pictures! You and your kiddos are so cute! They look like such a fun bunch. Congrats on baby umber three! How exciting!
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