On one of our flights, the flight attendant stole Isabella and introduced her to the entire plane from the intercom. She then escorted her up and down that plane as Isabella did her parade wave and high fived everyone in the aisle. She soaked all of the attention in...it was so fun to watch everyone ohh and ahh over her! By the way, did you know that if you are pregnant you can get a Pre Boarding Pass? It's a medical condition that they take very seriously! Cool huh!
And we're back!
On one of our flights, the flight attendant stole Isabella and introduced her to the entire plane from the intercom. She then escorted her up and down that plane as Isabella did her parade wave and high fived everyone in the aisle. She soaked all of the attention in...it was so fun to watch everyone ohh and ahh over her! By the way, did you know that if you are pregnant you can get a Pre Boarding Pass? It's a medical condition that they take very seriously! Cool huh!
Created by Katrina at 8:21 AM 10 People Lovin' It
And we're off!
My brother Corey is getting married this Friday in the Albuquerque New Mexico Temple! John and I are so lucky to have the chance to fly out there and celebrate with him and my new sister-in-law Megan! Isabella is coming along for the ride and Hailey is lucky enough to get to stay with some great friends. What a cute couple! They are both so excited and we can't wait for the party to start. I'll be sure to blog all about it next week.
Created by Katrina at 7:56 PM 1 People Lovin' It
Perfect Weather and Fears
I had another appointment yesterday and the baby is now only measuring 1 week ahead! My doctor said that we can probably plan on inducing me one week early which would be Sept. 8th! That's less than 2 months away! I am completely unprepared for this child...he has nothing to wear (and no place to keep his clothes if we had them), no where to sleep (Isabella is still the proud owner of our crib), and no room in our car for him (three car seats will not fit in our Corolla!) Even though these are all a potential issue...I'm not stressed about any of it! I just feel like it will all work out...of course it will...it always does.
I'm actually only stressed about delivery at this point. I was never even nervous with my first two. I think that I am too prepared in the knowledge department. Both of the girls deliveries were very traumatic...one minute they are fine, the next they are threatening me with a C-Section because their heart rates had dropped severely. The next thing I knew they were being pulled out of me as fast as possible (Hailey with forceps and Izzie with a vacuum). I also know it's going to be painful and uncomfortable to recover...and I just don't think that I am ready to handle three children and trying to heal from being split in half! Having big babies usually means severe damage. Again...I know that it will all be fine, even if I am sore and uncomfortable...the pain doesn't last forever! We can't wait for this little guy to join our family...even with the fear of delivery...the sooner the better.
Created by Katrina at 1:13 PM 11 People Lovin' It
4th of July
Happy 4th of July!! We had a great weekend! This is the first year that we have not been around either Johns family or my family on the 4th so we had to get a little creative. In Virginia Beach there aren't any fun parades. There are some great firework shows but they are absolutely INSANE with all of the crazy people around this town! My kids will get their fill of fireworks someday...when they are old enough to handle the crowds! We decided at the last minute to take a drive on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel. You may be thinking...um...you drove on a bridge-what's the big deal? This bridge is one of the 7 wonders of the world!! I have lived in Virginia Beach most of my life and have never actually done this (at least not that I can remember!) The toll is $12 each way!! It is 23 miles long from shore to shore and has two tunnels and 4 man made islands along the way! One of the islands has a fishing pier, restaurant, and gift store. We stopped there for lunch and took a stroll along the pier. Hailey learned a ton about fishing in the few minutes that we were out there. Lesson #1- Do not sit down anywhere (or lean on anything)...most likely a poor fishes head has been cut off there. Lesson #2- Clothes are optional while fishing! Lesson #3- The fish sandwiches do have bones in them and the crab cake sandwiches might have shells (and nobody thinks thats strange!) Lesson #4- The cute little crabs that a little girl was playing with were actually NOT pets...they were dinner for the fishies!
Check out this fish sandwich John ordered. Can you even see the bun...it's the small round dot in the middle!!
The girls thought this bridge was pretty cool. It really does take quite some time to get to the other shore! It cost $450,000,000 to build. No wonder why the toll costs so much!!
The girls though we were on a roller coaster! Hands Up!
Hailey loved our binoculars. She couldn't understand why she couldn't see all the boats out on the water...it could have something to do with the fact that they were facing the wrong direction. She wouldn't let us help her turn them around!
On Saturday, John had to get back to work on his dissertation so the girls and I went to a great BBQ/Lake Party! We stayed for hours and the girls had a lot of fun. I have to say that the food was the best part.
Being the emotional and unstable woman that I am when I am pregnant, I had to hold back tears every time Hailey asked me to tell her about what the 4th of July Holiday was all about. I am so thankful to be an American and so thankful for the rights and freedoms that I have been blessed with. I pray so often for our leaders to help protect us, by making the right decisions, and that is a prayer I will continue to make. I think that it is so easy to take for granted the simple pleasures that we have been blessed with. For today...I will not forget and I will thank my Heavenly Father for the wonderful life that I have! For all of our family that is not near...but very far...we love you and missed you on this great holiday. We hope that you all had a great, relaxing day filled with red, white, and blue!!
Created by Katrina at 7:54 PM 11 People Lovin' It
He's just big!!
I had my ultrasound appointment today and everything looks fine. I'm measuring a little big just because he is a little big! His head is measuring 2 weeks ahead...uh oh...and other parts of him are measuring at 1 1/2 weeks ahead. The amniotic fluid level is fine which I am grateful for! He looks so sweet and cozy to me in this picture...just sleeping away the hours until he can be with his family! We cannot wait. He is already almost 4 lbs. and I still have 10 1/2 weeks to go. My doc says that when it gets a little closer then I can have another ultra-sound to see what his measurements are then and then they will decide about inducing me. It's amazing how much you can love these babies before you have even met.
Created by Katrina at 1:17 PM 8 People Lovin' It
Tennis and Busch Gardens!
John has finished his internship at Langley Airforce base. We have already enjoyed having him around a little bit more. He is working on his proposal for his dissertation, which still occupies most of his time and on Tuesdays and Thursdays he has class for most of the day. We are not usually last minute type of people...I typically need at least a day to prepare for an adventure, but at the last minute we decided to go to Busch Gardens (theme park) for a few hours. Hailey and John have been talking about riding this roller coaster together, for about a month! It was 100 degrees and we were sooooo hot but we still had the best time. Hailey and John rode "The Big Bad Wolf" which is a real roller coaster-I cannot believe that my 4 year old is tall enough to go on it-but she is! She rode on it earlier in the summer with me and loved it! This time she was not so sure. She was crying when she got off the ride and told John and I that she did not want to ride that ride anymore. These pictures are of the family on the tram ride from the parking lot to the park! We could have gone home after that...they thought it was so cool.
John loves to play tennis...he played in High School and has put a lot of time into it through the years. He has always wanted to have athletic children. It's interesting to see how kids start getting into sports though-I think that a lot of times the parents decide what the kids do because we are the ones that are researching, and usually paying for lessons, etc. It would make John a very happy daddy if Hailey enjoyed tennis as much as he did and so he has already invested some time and money into making it a fun thing for her. I LOVE IT! They are so cute. She has her own special racket and she loves going on dates with daddy to the tennis courts. He is a great teacher and she is already pretty good. They are planning a special date tomorrow morning but she was so excited that we had to get out some balls and her racket so that she could practice. Isabella just loved chasing after the balls (OH... BY THE WAY...SHE HAS FINALLY STARTED WALKING!) Isabella has her own racket as well and John is starting early with her.
Hailey just hit a great shot and she is giving her daddy a high five! She was so proud of herself.
Created by Katrina at 2:39 PM 6 People Lovin' It