So this was the fastest trip that I think I have ever done! We flew most of Thursday to get to New Mexico, spent Friday there, and spent most of Saturday flying home. It was definitely not long enough but we missed Hailey and we were very excited to get our whole family back together!

This picture is taken at the New Mexico temple! It is absolutely beautiful and we felt very blessed to be there. We are very lucky that John has a suit on in this make a long story short...his bag and Isabella's car seat ended up in Rhode Island instead of New Mexico so John had to buy a new suit, shirt, tie, socks, and shoes so that he could come into the temple. He did it all in 1 hour (remember our trip was really short and time was very limited) and spent only $200! It could have been MUCH more expensive...thank you to Target for making this happen. We are hoping to get reimbursed from Southwest!

Check out my family! John and I, and my brother Chris and his wife Keri, are the only ones who brought a baby so it was relatively relaxing...for everyone else at least. We did have lots of hands to help us which was nice.

I love these girls! That's Katelyn, Jennifer, and Jessica! What great cousins I have...and it was so fun to see them again. St George, Utah is way tooo far away!

This was not one of those sleep-in vacations...infact...we didn't really do much sleeping at all. Isabella apparently did not like her crib in the hotel and ended up in bed with us each night. I do not sleep well with kids in my bed. For one, I need my sprawling space, and I also get nervous about fear of waking them up. I end up on the edge of the bed, in the same position all night. Remember that I am prego and usually toss and turn all night. This is the only way that we could get Isabella to nap-on John's lap! She was really happy to see her crib and has slept A TON since we have been home.

My beautiful sister-in-law Keri! I hardly get to see her and my brother because they live in California. It was great to visit with them. The last time that I saw them was Christmas of 2008 and I was at the end of my pregnancy then too!

Chris and Keri, John and I, and Leah and Kurt!

Thanks to my mom for EVERYTHING that she did. She certainly made this trip so much easier for all of us and we can't thank her enough. She is so organized and perfect. She even had gifts for us, waiting in our hotel rooms full of goodies. All of the maps were printed off and waiting for us to help get us from destination to destination...the itinerary was immaculate. All of her hard work paid off!

Megan and Corey had their reception at a beautiful little "cottage like" place. It was decorated beautifully and all the desserts were delicious.

Uncle Kevin is always fun to have around! He is the last one in our family to be single...the next wedding will be his...right?

Izzie was a great flyer! This picture is of her at the airport (yes in her jammies). John and her walked up and down the walking path at least 10 times. She loved it! It killed some time and wiped her out too.

On one of our flights, the flight attendant stole Isabella and introduced her to the entire plane from the intercom. She then escorted her up and down that plane as Isabella did her parade wave and high fived everyone in the aisle. She soaked all of the attention was so fun to watch everyone ohh and ahh over her! By the way, did you know that if you are pregnant you can get a Pre Boarding Pass? It's a medical condition that they take very seriously! Cool huh!

We are so happy for these two! They are enjoying themselves this week in Colorado but we look forward to seeing them this coming up Friday here in Virginia Beach for an open house that they are having.

It looks like a lot of fun memories! Your family is so fun to be around, I still want to know what Leah's poster said!
Sounds like you had a blast, sorry to hear about the lost luggage, that stinks!
What a great trip....Trina, you look like a pregnant super-model!! You look amazing!!
Thanks for sharing those pictures. It was great to see your family. Congrats to Corey! You look so cute, not big at all. Shay
I am actually hoping that the next wedding will be a Hecker wedding...but we shall see.
Izzie is too darn cute! She is seriously getting so big.
Glad you posted so quick about your trip. Bummer about the luggage. Can't wait to hear more about it!
Markus and I loved seeing the pics of the wedding. Looked like everyone had a great time! Can't wait to see Corey and Megan this weekend for the open house.
I can't wait to take your maternity pics, your little belly is so cute! Looks like you guys had a very rushed trip, which are usually not very relaxing! YES, we are packing like crazy and it seems like we have packed a ton, but we still have crap everywhere! I have no idea how we are going to get it all done! Hey will you measure the closet in the biggest room (not the master) and let me know. We have a dresser that I'm hoping we can put in the bottom of the closet and if we can't, I dont want to bring it!
What a crazy weekend! I'm impressed with the new suit...nice! I've never even been to the Alb. temple, and I'm from New Mexico. I think I need to go sometime :)
It looks like you had so much fun. Its great seeing Jennifer too. I havent talked to her in so long! And thats wonderful that all your family could be there. It makes the trip so much more memorable. We saw on the news about the 'lost luggage' issue...Im sorry to hear that you guys were a part of it! Hopefully everything is back to normal. You look great too!
You are such a cute pregnant girl. I probably put that in every comment I've submitted but you look so cute! Short trip but I'm sure you are so glad you didn't miss your brother's wedding.
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