I had another appointment yesterday and the baby is now only measuring 1 week ahead! My doctor said that we can probably plan on inducing me one week early which would be Sept. 8th! That's less than 2 months away! I am completely unprepared for this child...he has nothing to wear (and no place to keep his clothes if we had them), no where to sleep (Isabella is still the proud owner of our crib), and no room in our car for him (three car seats will not fit in our Corolla!) Even though these are all a potential issue...I'm not stressed about any of it! I just feel like it will all work out...of course it will...it always does.
I'm actually only stressed about delivery at this point. I was never even nervous with my first two. I think that I am too prepared in the knowledge department. Both of the girls deliveries were very traumatic...one minute they are fine, the next they are threatening me with a C-Section because their heart rates had dropped severely. The next thing I knew they were being pulled out of me as fast as possible (Hailey with forceps and Izzie with a vacuum). I also know it's going to be painful and uncomfortable to recover...and I just don't think that I am ready to handle three children and trying to heal from being split in half! Having big babies usually means severe damage. Again...I know that it will all be fine, even if I am sore and uncomfortable...the pain doesn't last forever! We can't wait for this little guy to join our family...even with the fear of delivery...the sooner the better.
These are Hailey's first pictures right after birth!

Wow, I've been MIA on blogging and I can't believe how much I've missed of your life! So sorry to hear about your grandma. Your kids are getting huge! And, you look amazing, as always. We drove on the Chesapeake Bay bridge when we went to Williamsburg. It was so cool. Wish we would have taken the time to stop and check it out!
Remember to look at the happy and satisfied look on your face in those pictures of you with the girls. That is the end result, holding your sweet little baby in your arms. The part before and after is so short compared to that joy!
Recently I was talking to another mom about being more nervous about each delivery. I have decided that my fear comes from thinking that I have been so lucky to have healthy babies and feeling like with each subsequent pregnancy I am tempting fate in a way.
You will do great. It is our job as mothers to worry, and it pretty much starts at conception. We will be praying for you!
What a sweet post! I also just love your faith, it is one of your most beautiful qualities. Sure love you and wish I could be there to support you a bit when he finally gets here!!
I love the hospital pictures, there's nothing like a brand new baby. I totally understand how knowing all too well what is going to happen is the scary part:) You we will do great! Professional baby mama...
oh Katrina I hear ya about the recovery part. that's got to be THE worst part about having a baby!! and my 2nd time around seemed to take longer! geesh!
I've been wondering about how we're going to 'fit' this third baby in too. I THINK our oldmobile will fit 3 carseats in the back...oh I so wish we could afford to get a van right now! and as for the crib, well I hope this little girl can last at least three months in a bassinet, and still that means Thatcher will be out of the crib pretty early. we'll see, as you say, I know it will all work out somehow!
oh man, I am SOOO jealous! you get to have your little one a month earlier than me...by the time I'm just starting to recover, you'll be all done!!!
I loved those pictures of you in the hospital...so precious. now, I'm getting all nostalgic and super excited about having a newborn again!!
just curious, how many kids do you guys want??
Just send the kiddos my way when you need a break! You will do great, and everything will be fine. My 2nd was soooooo much better than my first. Maybe your 3rd will be better than you 1st and 2nd!
The weather was nice for us too...what a relief, huh? Your girls are so cute. I can not believe how big Izzy looks...crazy! You'll be great and like you said it will all work itself out....everything!!! Wish I lived close again and I could take your two girls while you recovered for a week or so. Maybe I'll just have to make a road trip or something...
Katrina, your girls are so beautiful. I cant believe how big Isabella is getting. And its so fun looking at the pictures of you in the hospital...brings back so many memories. It is a little scary thinking of the whole birthing process...but I think your body is more than prepared from the first two. You're going to do great:)
It's not fair that you can be soooo beautiful just after giving birth :)
I know you'll do great with Tallon!!! Although I've only given birth once, you and I have something in common...and if you can survive that much trauma, you can survive anything :)
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