Our Trip To UtahWell, the main reason for flying out to Utah was for my grandmas funeral. My moms mother passed away and it has always been so important to my mom to have all of her children together for occasions like weddings and funerals. John couldn't make it because of school, so the girls and I packed up and headed on our way on our long journey across the US. The guy on the end is my cousin Drew. The rest of the guys are all of my brothers. It was great to be together and to remember my grandma with some great memories. She was an amazing women and I am so proud of her for the life that she lived. First of all, she raised my mom...who is so darn great. Second of all, she loved me and my brothers so much and would sacrifice anything for us. I wish that I had a picture of her scanned, but I don't. She was a beautiful, stylish women who loved beautiful things. I know that she has reunited with my grandpa and her family and she must be so happy resting in peace.
Hailey took this picture of my family! We went to Bridal Veil Falls in the Provo Canyon to enjoy Utah's beautiful weather. It was so great to be together, because we are not all together very often. None of our spouses could make it which was so different than we are used to. My brothers and I all went to the movies together one night and it was very special to me. I almost felt like we were all back at home. living with my mom and dad.
The girls had a great time with their uncles. Hailey was very sad to see them all go home. She is still talking about all of them and the fun that we had.
We decided to stay for two weeks, since it cost a ton to fly out there (with less than one weeks notice) and because it was A LOT of work flying with a lap child, a three year old, and a huge belly that takes up my lap already! We had to make this trip worth it! I did so much in that two weeks and loved every second of it. We stayed with my mom the first week and enjoyed shopping, playing at the park, and relaxing. We went to the park at least once every day! It was so much fun just being with my mom. They sold their house here in Virginia and so I tried to savor every minute that I had with her, as I knew that our visits would not be as frequent as we were used to.I love my parents so much and loved being in Utah with them. They are such great examples to me and they deserve so much happiness. I hope that they find peace and joy in Utah. It's a huge change for them after living in Virginia for over 30 years. I know that it was hard for them to leave their home that they created their family in but they have realized that family will travel with them and we will create new memories in a new home. They love the mountains and are not missing the humidity here in Virginia. We miss them very much and look forward to seeing them at my brother Corey's wedding.
We also went and stayed at John's mom and dads house while we were there. We had so much fun playing with their puppies, and enjoying good company. I love going to the Hecker's because there is always someone to talk to, play a game with, or eat yummy food with. John has 9 siblings so there is always a handful of people living at, or visiting their house. Hailey LOVED all of the pets and still can't stop talking about the sugarglider and the kitty cat! She played dress up all day long with her cousins! Kristine (Johns mom) taught me how to make pajama pants which was soooo fun for me. I have made a pair for me and the girls...watch out if you are on my list for Christmas because you just may be getting some!Next we drove to St. George to end our trip with a bang. We had so much fun hanging out with all of my cousins. Kaitlyn and Jessica we such a great help. I didn't change one diaper the entire time I was there (thanks Jess)! They both wanted to do anything they could to help and I so needed it after being awake with Isabella all night). She got some weird bug and was so restless at night...it was awful! The girls and I went to more parks, ate even more yummy food, and stayed up late every night playing hide-in-go-seek in the dark. Imagine a pregnant women running into furniture in the pitch dark as she is running away from someone chasing her. Yes...it was hilarious. I laughed for an hour straight every time that we played.
The Bits: August
3 years ago
Hi Katrina,
I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother passing away recently. It sounds like being with family for the funeral, and general visiting, was a good thing and I'm sure it was nice to be with family and talk about all the memories of her. Hope you and your family are all comforted by the truth of the gospel and will move through this time well. The women in your family are certainly wonderful and those great traits and characteristics have also been passed onto you!
I love some of these pictures..I will definitely need you to e mail me a few of all you guys together...hey isn't it your parents 60th birthday's coming up soon? I have a great idea for them...one I"m doing for my dad this year...I'll call you :) I love the black and white one of you and Hailey...just beautiful!
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