This picture was taken on April17th, the day before Lucy's induction. I was due on April 20th. I tried everything to go into labor on my own the week before this. Jumping on the trampoline, fast walking, pineapple, and more!! As badly as I wanted to go into labor on my own...I also didn't want to be pregnant anymore and we were so excited about meeting our little girl! As far as pregnancies go...the beginning of this pregnancy was the worst out of all of them....but the end was the best! I was still very uncomfortable but nothing seemed quite as bad as in previous pregnancies. I have been going to a chiropractor for 2 months weekly, and it was wonderful!! My back is usually my biggest complaint but I felt great! I also had an inkling that this might be a smaller baby...I just didn't feel like my stomach got quite as big and I had less pain overall. Isabella was 2 and a half pounds bigger at birth and it definitely makes a big difference. The bigger the baby...the more pain...all around!
April 18th, 2011 at 5:00 am. We were told to be at the hospital at 6 am. My parents had flown in a week earlier and so they were taking care of the other three for us! It was nice and stress free! Not a great was obviously too early!!!
Still dark outside!! The hospital is brand new!! It opened at the end of January and it was so nice.The labor and delivery room was huge and we had large windows that looked out at Lake Erie. Too bad it was gloomy and rainy all day! We were kind of expecting the pitocin to work pretty fast and we were hoping for a baby in the early afternoon. My doctor came in at 7:15 to get me going (which I thought was pretty early...sometimes they take forever!!) He said he'd come back around lunch to break my water. The morning went slow...with not much change. I had very painful contractions almost right away. I asked for the epidural at 10am...but so did all of the other girls who were being induced that morning. The anesthesiologist ended up having to call for back-up because everyone was wanting it at the same time. I ended up being one of the last to get mine (no big deal...I could handle the contractions but was having to pee every 30 minutes and it was SO painful on top of the contractions!! I wanted the epidural so that I could have a catheter (sorry if too much info!!) John was asked to leave while the epidural was placed ( a first) and I really wanted him there. I had no one to squeeze! It mostly just the numbing shots. I had three of those because I could still feel too much! I hate the shots of pain that are felt down the back while it's being placed...just uncomfortable. After about an hour I could still feel too much (like the catheter being placed...ouch!) The anesthesiologist came back to see if he could help. I was so afraid that they were going to have to place it again...but he reassured me that everything had gone in nicely. My blood pressure was low so he didn't want to increase the meds but after realizing just how much I could feel he out something else in my line. Within 30 minutes I could no longer move...not a muscle. I'm not sure which was worse to me...feeling pain...or being completely immobile. I couldn't move a toe!! I also started to feel really weak and nauseous. It took me a few hours to recover!
They gradually upped the pitocin over a few hours until I reached the max which is 20. When my doctor came in to break my water (around noon) he kind of just put a little hole but I didn't lose much fluid which was unusual to me....I usually feel like I am going to float away. The next few hours I still hadn't changed...was dilated to a 3 for hours!!! I did progress to 4 around 5 o'clock and when my doctor checked me then, my water really broke!!! I think that was all that I needed because after that things finally started moving. I don't think that my body even realized that my water had broke! I tried resting all day long but just couldn't relax. Finally at 7 o'clock I started to get sleepy and was closing my eyes when my nurse came in because babies heartbeat had dropped. This has happened with all of my induction babies (Hailey and Isabella) and I was so nervous about it happening again. John and I watched her heartbeat vigilantly all day long, praying for it to stay strong. SO, when she came in because of the drop I of course started to get nervous. She said it was probably a good sign that I was progressing in the labor. I started to feel pressure almost immediately (which was weird because I was still completely numb!) The nurse checked me and said that I was at a 9 and she said I'd be at a 10 in minutes. This whole time I am already feeling the need to push and the nurses are yelling at me to NOT PUSH. They are trying to get my doctor but can't reach him. The babies heart beat was back to normal again...and remained that way! Hallelujah!! Finally my doc comes running in) and he said he was doing a circumcision. I'm just glad he made it. In one push the baby was almost completely out but it took a second tiny push and she was born!! At 7:28 pm she arrived! I just kept saying "she is so small, she is so small!!" She is darker skinned like Hailey was (Izzy and Talon were both very fair skinned).
First picture taken after delivery. She weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz. and was 20 inches long! She actually left the hospital at the same weight which the pediatrician told me rarely ever happens. It could have something to do with her awesome nursing skills. She is seriously amazing!! She came out "rooting" and was trying to suck on anything she could while getting weighed and footprinted. She found her hand pretty quickly.
Just before going up to my recovery room. She nursed for 45 minutes on each side!! Marathon nurser!
It was so nice knowing that my children were being taken care of. My parents had everything under control which made my recovery in the hospital much easier. John actually works for the hospital and his office is in the building right next to the Women's Hospital and so he was able to go back and forth from seeing patients to visiting me. It all worked out quite nicely!! He usually spends the night with me at the hospital but I really wanted him to go home in case the kids woke up at night (which Talon and Isabella both do quite frequently). I was glad that he was able to get some real rest and get showered and ready each morning. The nurses woke me up all night long and he wouldn't have gotten any sleep! I didn't get good sleep. There are always SO many different people coming into your room. I'm amazed at the variety of people. From pictures to house cleaning and temp and blood pressure checks, and lactation specialist, medical records department. My doctors, babies doctors, etc. They sure do keep you busy! If I tried napping, I would be woken up before I even had a chance to close my eyes!!!
The kids had been planning on visiting the hospital on Monday night but since it took forever for her to be born, they had to wait until Tuesday.
These girls were SO excited. Smiling from ear to ear!! They are still always begging to hold her and taking turns has become an hourly thing!
Welcome Lucy!!
The babies in our house always come with a gift for the other children. Lucy bought Hailey and Isabella a new set of baby doll accessories...pack-n-play, bouncy seat, stroller, etc.
She brought Talon a set of Lego's...his new favorite!!
Grandma and Grandpa!! Probably feeling a little wiped out!!!
We left the hospital on Wednesday April 20th and by then we were SO ready to get her home! It was cold and rainy!!
The first week home has been wonderful. The weather had been yucky and so we are all a little tired of being stuck inside but it has been so nice to be together! My parents are still here for another week which has been exactly what I needed. Unfortunately, my mom and I have both been fight a cold that has us up all night coughing. We've had headaches and runny noses. My mom lost her voice for about 5 days! My throat also hurt really badly!! Between a newborn baby who is still confused about her schedule and not feeling well, I have not slept very much! My mom tries to get me to nap all day long but I have the hardest time leaving the "party" to rest! I know I'll regret not taking advantage of the sleep later! Lucy has been such a joy to have around. She is so tiny and so sweet. I always laugh when I hear other people talking about how "good" there baby is during the first week because I feel like it's hard to really tell until about 2 weeks when they are not sleeping I go! She is such a good baby!!! She loves her binky! She has the tiniest little squeaky cry that just makes us giggle! She does sleep all day long but when she is awake...she is content. I have to tell my kids that she is off limits sometimes just so that she can learn to sleep without being held. I have planned with each of my children to get them used to taking a bottle occasionally so that I can go to a girls night here or there within the next year. SO far so good!! She gets one bottle of formula a day and has taken it with ease! I'm trying to make my life a little simpler...and this will help a ton with that!! My recovery has been the easiest one yet also...also a big benefit of having a smaller baby! I've been engorged for 5 days now...which seems like a ridiculous amount of time. It's hard to move, sleep, nurse. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!
I go to bed at night feeling so grateful to have this family that I have been blessed with. The overwhelming joy that comes from having children and raising a family is incredible. Thank you so much for all of the love and care that we have been given during this life changing time!! We are so thankful for you and your love and support!!!