Well, some of you may recognize this first picture from 2 1/2 years ago when I was pregnant with Talon. This picture was taken at 20 weeks and 1 day. I thought it would be fun to take a picture in the same outfit that I wore that day.
Darn it. Here is 20 weeks with this baby and I am very disappointed. I was thinking that the previous picture had been taken earlier in the pregnancy...like 17 to 18 weeks. Nope. I double checked.
Big ole belly! Sheesh. The funny thing is that I still have not gained ANY WEIGHT! Makes no sense. BUT...even though they are not pictured...the jeans fit. They are not maternity jeans. Maybe I couldn't breath....but they fit! Just sayin'!
We made the little two wait until Hailey got home from school before we would tell them what we were having. The girls both guessed it was a boy. I don't think Talon knows what's going on.
And here comes the cookies. They knew the drill: pink means girl, blue means boy!
Happiness all around!
Proud Daddy!
Now we can back-up a bit. We ALL know that I only blog once in a while these days so here is a chunk of stuff that we have been up to! Thanksgiving was a nice relaxing weekend. Well, for the most part.
This picture below is the only picture that I have of Thanksgiving Day...Lame I know. We went to a friends house and had a great time! The food was delicious and plentiful! Everyone was worn out by the time we got home. Isabella didn't even make it to her bed. Straight from car to kitchen floor.
Girls day out. We went and saw tangled while Talon napped and John tried to recover from being sick. All of the adults in our Thanksgiving dinner group, caught this nasty stomach bug and this was John's turn. I had it the day before.
Of course there was shopping! This picture was taken at 2 am. Eating a midnight snack at McDonalds to kill some time (and get warm and dry). We started our day at 7:30 Thanksgiving night. Went and stood in line at Toys R Us in the rain. It was about 42 degrees at this point. It was great though. We had chairs, umbrellas, and we were still dry. Great company! It was a blast! Doors opened at 10pm and we got everything that we had on our lists (plus some). Then it was off to Wal-Mart. We got there about 11 so we could scout out what and where our items were before midnight when the madness begins. I got about half of the things on my list. This place was truly a M.A.D H.O.U.S.E. It was intense. Wasn't sure if I was going to make it out alive. Good news...I did...but I had to sacrifice a few things.
Britani and Nicole! So here we are back to 2am and after we warmed up a bit we headed back out into the even worse weather (sideways rain and temps. around 35 degrees). We were still damp and getting a little tired but still ready for some fun! We drove over to Target and thought we would wait in the car for a bit to stay warm and dry but realized quickly that the Target line was growing by the second and we had no time to lose. There were a few things on our list that would be hot items so we braved the weather and got in line for the next hour and a half until it opened at 4am. I don't know if I have ever been THAT COLD! My feet were soaking wet and so were my pants. We finally started taking turns waiting in line so that we didn't DIE! Met some great strangers in line. Always do! Target was a success and it was 6:30am by the time we were done (and snowing now). By 7 I was sound asleep in my bed, just in time for the family to be waking up. I slept until 9 and headed to AC Moore for a few more things that I had on my list! A HUGE SUCCESS! I got the best deals. But by the time I got home I was feeling that stomach bug that I was unaware that I had and I was SOOOO Tired. I took a little nap but the kids just wanted me up so the rest of the day was spent watching movies, playing games and feeling osososososososososos sick.
Here's our Thanksgiving Snow. Saturday the kids had a great time playing in the foreign material! I had stocked up on all of the winter essentials (knowing what we were in for) but I forgot one thing....snow gloves. They didn't care but I was sure to buy them on Monday!
These two kiddos crack us up. They have turned into the biggest fighters. They are only 19 months apart and you can see that now. For the longest time Talon was just the baby but he has turned into a full on toddler right along with Isabella. John is soothing two very unhappy children who were just beating each other up.
Two minutes later...they are loving on each other. Seriously...this is all day long. Either they LOVE each other or are Gladiators trying to see who can hurt the other one more!
We decorated for Christmas about 2 weeks before Thanksgiving. Loved it! Lay off!
This picture was taken yesterday before school. Our Thanksgiving snow had all melted but we woke to a beautiful WHITE wonderland and Hailey was SO excited about school being canceled. She was very disappointed when I informed her that school doesn't get canceled here in the snow (unless it's a few feet maybe!)
Congrats on another girl! 3 girls and a boy sounds just right to me:) I am impressed with your midnight shopping success, I have kind of half tried in the past and it never works out. I think I need a new strategy...
Yay, yay! Raising girls comes so much easier to me than boys...so I think if we ever have another one, I prefer a girl. :)
That picture of Hailey is so cute, you know, the funny thing is that the week of Thanksgiving it rained which turned all the snow packed roads to ice, so school was canceled. In AK school is canceled when it rains, snow is never an option, LOL!
Congrats!! Your black friday sounds like it was a blast too!
Congrats on another girl!!!
Good job on the shopping, you're BRAVER than I am!
Hooray for a girl! You are such a girly-girl, what fun it will be to dote over another beautiful little girl. It's nice to have a thorough tech - we just saw one the other day (pain - burst cyst and another one growing) and she was very reassuring to us. Enjoy the second half of your pregnancy :)
I love your hot necklace in the one picture of you and the girls. Also so glad you posted pictures from our black friday outing. I just might have to steal them. Also so excited for you guys to have another baby girl!!! Can't wait to make some girly things. LOVES
super cute pics of you bein prego you look awesome congrats on the girl super excited for ya
Congrats again!! I know you really wanted a girl...too fun!
You look so great! It's crazy to see you with short hair in that first pic.
Dying over the snow. I don't think I could handle another winter like last one...these AZ bones are cold already!!
Congrats! You two make beautiful girls! She's lucky to be joining such an awesome family.
Congrats for your cute little family! I can't believe you will have 4 kids! I had fun shopping on Black Friday, too! Hope all is well with you and your family!
can't tell you how excited i am for you!! glad she looks healthy and all! you look so adorable! i sure miss your smile around here...just not the same :( love ya!!
Congratulations! How did you know?! Two girls a boy and a girl is exactly how I grew up and it was a lot of fun. And way to go on the shopping! I've never done it so I can only imagine the craziness. :)
Congratulations on another girl! Hope you're feeling great! I missed Black Friday, I'm so glad you had such success! Have a great holiday!
another girl, how exciting!! You of course look gorgeous and I'm SO glad things are going so well for you!!!
I wish I'd had you to go shopping with. Trav doesn't do crowds, but I did buy myself some terrific boots. I'm excited about another girl. You do make cute ones, plus, I don't think Talon would be able to share his daddy with a brother.
I didn't know you taught in Heber! Gabe is in Mrs. Mair's class and they have a new principal this year. We're really excited to be there; people say it's the best school in town, which is great news. How fun to have that connection! Congrats on the girl, BTW. And now you're on the countdown!
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