So where in the world have I been?? Seriously! It's definitely time for an update! Lets start with the kids!
Talon is growing so fast! He is 8 months already!!! He is the proud owner of two very sharp teeth. He is a champion sitter but would prefer to be held...all day! He is rarely on the ground on his tummy or back so I will be shocked if he ever learns to crawl. He is sleeping a little better. He only wake up like 3 times a night. Trust's an improvement and I feel blessed. Talon has been called a fussy baby more than a few times by me and by others but I think that it's time to give him a new description. The more that I get to know him, the better I understand him! Makes sense huh? He fusses (cries, squeals, whimpers) when he is in one of his many lounging spots (exosaucer, swing, bumbo, jumper, vibrating chair) and wants to be picked up. He is happy as long as he is in my arms. He is more of a lover than a fussy baby! He just wants to be close to John and I. As soon as we pick him up, he grabs on and squeezes...there is usually a giggle or two in there also. He gives the BEST hugs and will do it over and over again. He doesn't like to be put down...its true! It's not always the most convienient but I'm okay with him wanting to give me hugs and kisses. He is so sweet to his family! He is also so easy to make laugh and smile...however my camera and him do not see eye to eye! He smiles and I snap the photo and by the time the picture has taken...he is done smiling! Seriously...I can't get a good shot of him smiling! He sits in his little bumbo while I cook dinner and that is the only way that I am able to get anything done in the kitchen. Cooking with one hand just doesn't work so well.
He is still nursing and he loves it while on his terms. He needs a dark, quiet room...and sometimes that is npt available. It makes it a little frustrating but I'm hanging in there. I have a few tricks up my sleeve to get him to nurse when he is distracted.
Isabella is talking so much! It's surprising how much she talks because she always has a binky in her mouth! Her personality is really starting to show. Sometimes I have to decide if she acting like Izzie or if she is acting like Hailey. She does love Hailey and wants to be grown up so badly. Hailey has a few friends in the neighborhood that she likes to hang out with outside and Isabella is to Hailey...following her every move. Not so sure thats a good thing. She has become a lover of sleep...which is really funny for those of you how remember what my life was like with her a year ago! Getting her to sleep and to sleep all night was a NIGHTMARE for me! She now naps for around 3 hours each day and practically puts herself to bed at night! She doesn't ever wake up in the middle of the night. She should'nt...she's two...but it's still shocking because of her history! She is still in love with her daddy. For about a month, anytime that I put my hair in a ponytail, she FREAKS out! She begs for me to put my hair down until I do it!! I am not a ponytail wearer but occasionally by the end of the day, I am ready for my hair to be out of my way. I don't know what it's all about but John and I giggle everytime!
Izzie loves cheese, yogurt, strawberries and fruit snacks. She almost always tries everything on her plate at dinner and usually likes it all. She is so easy to take on errands (as long as Hailey is not with us) and just enjoys the ride. She loves nursery. She loves her friends. She loves my friends. Her favorite cartoon is Sesame Street ( Hailey has always disliked it). Her burp cloth is her bestfriend. I'm not sure how we will ever part the two. She has beautiful curly hair...although we rarely have her hair down because John loves her pigtails! She already has an opinion about what she wears...I am not ready for that! She recently opened up nail polish and painted her own nails...and the rug, and the table and her shirt.
She is easy to love!
Hailey is a ball of energy and trouble! She keeps our life busy and interesting and wonderful. She is creative and smart. Yesterday I was lucky enough to go on a fieldtrip with Hailey's preschool class (thanks to good friends) all by herself. She LOVED it and so did I! We just snuggled and laughed and loved to be uninterrupted from Izzie and Talon. She still dislikes preschool and at her Kindergarten Registration she informed me that she didn't like that school either. Homeschooling is not for me but I have to admit that I have wondered if that would be better for her. For now, I couldn't do it if I tried! I think that my body would quit on me. I am praying that she will find the joy in learning from others. The funny thing is thather teachers love her! She is very well behaved and wants to please them. She loves to play. Babies and stuffed animals are always around her and her blanket is never too far away. She loves to swim and cook. She has always loved to get her hair done...which of course I love! Hailey loves to garden. She has started to learn to do chores (puts her laundry in their drawers, vacuums, cleans her bathroom). She is a good helper. We signed her up for soccer. At the first practice she did great! She had a blast and played with her friends. Then the first game came and she refused to play. That was the end of soccer. We were dissapointed.
I have been uber busy with Little Miss Priss. I make jewelry everyday. I make headbands everyday. I love it! I wish that I had a warehouse to keep all of my stuff in ( I hate to have it out in house and so I have to clean it up a few times a day and then get it all back out again! UGH!!) It would be so nice to go to work....and work hard...and then be done! I kind of just do a little whenever I can-usually during nap time or anytime that I think I can get atleast 5 minutes work in. Being a mom is my main priority and I love it. There will be plenty of time for working hard (the kind of work that pays) later in life. Right now it's more of a hobby! I love to cook! Dinner time is so fun to me. I love the days when I have a few hours to spend in the truly makes me happy! It's even more fun when my family sits down at the dinner table to enjoy it and to be together. That is my 2nd favorite time of the day. My very favorite time is when John and I get to relax side by side after a long days work and all of the children are nestled snuggly in their cozy beds. I don't just love it because they are asleep and out of the way...I love it because they are all happy and peaceful!
John has been so busy juggling school, writing his dissertation, being the executive secretary at church, working at a new job (Neuro Pshycology Office), and being a father and husband. I think he feels very stretched somedays and I am amazed at all that he does. He is the glue that holds our family together. It's almost like we are just surviving all day and waiting for him to come home! He was out of town this last week for his beautiful sister Emily's wedding and we missed him SO much! My days didn't have as much purpose or meaning without him coming home to be with us. Thank goodness for families! We all have our purpose and responsibilities to make our lives enjoyable and successful. They are my greatest blessing!
Woah, long post, and I loved every minute of it! Love all the pictures! We hope to see you guys soon!
It's good to have an update! You guys sound busy and wonderful! Talon sounds a lot like Luke, he can seem so whiny, but really he just wants to be close (which isn't always easy!). I'm with you on homeschooling. It's great for those who can do it, but not me! Have you thought about waiting to put Hailey in Kindergarten? Giving her an extra year of preschool that's not everyday to grow a little more emotionally? She's a June baby right? So she wouldn't be all that much older than her peers and it might help her like school a lot more! Adam has the same calling as John' sure is a busy one!
HI Katrina - that was a really cute post. I have been wondering what you all were up to. How fun to have a business that your kids can watch and have fun "helping" you and think its pretty. At least, I know my kids would want to be a part of that!
And the pics are so cute. Love the hair dos!
Yay!! This was so fun to read. The kids are growing like crazy!
Hailey is getting so pretty! you do her hair AWESOME! Wish my kids had the patience to let me do that.
I can't believe Izzy is sleeping though the night. I guess it's pay back because my kids used to sleep...and now they don't, ugh.
Sweet Talon. Henry is the same kind of needy/lovey/spoiled personality. It must be a 3rd child thing. And he also has the same jammies!! Great taste.
Love you, and loved talking to you today!
It's nice to hear an update and learn that our children are very similar! My child still doesn't sleep through the night!!
Ohhh - it is so wonderful to have an update on all the details of the Hecker's!! The kids are beautiful and perfect and getting so big!! You are doing such a great job and continue to be one of my biggest inspirations in life!! Love you so - Heidi
I can't believe how big your girls are! They are beautiful! I love the fact that Hailey loves to let you do her hair...I can hope for that when Addi is older I guess..right now, not so much! You look great too by-the-way!
You are all SO CUTE! By the way, your kids ALL LOOK SO MUCH ALIKE! CRAZY! Husbands do hold us together. I too, can't wait until Aaron gets home. Everyone is so much happier... when daddy comes home! We love you guys and are glad your hangin in there. Tell John to keep his chin up. Hard work and sacrifice are always rewarded... eventually!
Oh I miss you guys!! It was fun to read the post and to get an update. It made me feel right there again. Hope you are having a great time in NC. I can't wait to hear how great it was and to see some pics. Loves
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