
I am so excited!!

We have saved money for the last four years for this very day!! I have been anticipating this purchase for months. We have spent hours upon hours researching our options. We have had a few let downs in the process. We have squashed and squished for long enough! We finally had enough $$$$ for this smokin' hot MINI VAN!! Woo HOO!! I'm dancin' right now! It's a scary thing to buy a car! Here's a picture:


Ashcraft Adventures said...

What a BEAUTY!!! Love it...Congratulations!!

Chablis said...

Awww, I knew you just needed a little kick in the butt!

I bet you look smokin' hot in that van! And, I'm so proud that you saved your money to do that. I am soooooooo not at your level.

It's fun to see the girls...and the warm weather! xoxo

Danica said...

How exciting! I hope you are enjoying your new beauty!!!

Lehis said...

You will LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! You'll LOVE it so much you'll wonder how you ever survived without it, and why it took you so long to get it. ENJOY!! I LOVE my mini van!

Emily said...

Yay for you! I love it!! (And your watches are so cute. I'll have to check out your shop!)

T. Bateman said...

Congrats! I am sure you guys are just loving this new van. It's definitely a neccissity for a family of 5!

Leah said...

very nice...glad you finally got to get it!!! Can't wait to see it in person one of these days this summer:)

Jones said...

oh my gosh, I'm drooling!!! I must say, I LOVE white cars! don't know why, I just do. Hopefully we'll report on a new addition to our family soon too (a van that is), lol

I just ordered a prissy watch!!! the check will be in the mail tomorrow, can't wait! lol

...which reminds me, um I think that if you guys EVER want a sunny vacation...you're always welcome here....!!

Heidi said...

Love it girl!!!! No more bloody knuckles!

Our family said...

That's awesome! Congrats on your new purchase and especially on buying with money saved!!! Nice.