On Saturday, we were facing storms from Tropical Storm Hanna and we lost our electricity for over 4 hours. I was having one of those "I can't be pregnant anymore days" and so John took me out on a date for a break from children and house chores. Because our electricity was out, we brought our girls to the babysitters home...we are blessed with great babysitters. Well, as our movie began I started feeling painful contractions and decided that I better start keeping track of the spacing. I got out my cellphone and every few minutes, I took a mental note of how long it had been since the previous contraction. They were anywhere between 3 and 8 minutes apart and ranged from 30 seconds to 1 and 30 seconds long. The only problem was that some of them hurt really bad and some didn't. I thought that they needed to be getting gradually more intense and so we kept debating whether or not we should go into the hospital. We did not want to get sent home!! I wasn't packed, so we decided to go home and start packing bags while we thought about what to do (the kids were still at the sitters). As we are running around packing, John wass recording my stats. I had a few REALLY painful contractions and I told John at that point...I don't care if this is real labor...I am going to the hospital. Even though this was my third baby, I had never gone into labor on my own so we felt like first timers!! Our fantastic friends, the Burton's, kept our children for us overnight so that we could go to the hospital.
So we get to the hospital at about 8:30 pm and it's empty! No one was in labor and there was only one baby in the nursery! Saturdays are not induction days which makes for a quieter stay. It was nice having the floor to myself! I had recently had a pelvic exam (the day before) and was only dilated at 1 cm! I was surprised when she checked me when I first arrived at the hospital because I was already at 3 1/2 cm. My contractions were at a steady 3 minutes apart at that point and were uncomfortable. The doctor decided that I was in labor and I was SO happy when they said that I could stay. She called for the anesthesiologist, who soon became my least favorite person in the world! I have had an epidural with both of my previous pregnancies and LOVED it! I felt nothing...like I said....I LOVED it! Well, this guy must have thought that it was target practice or something because 30-40 minutes later...he had attempted 6 times to place the epidural. It was so painful! The tears were streaming, and I just couldn't bare to tell him to stop trying. I was THAT afraid of natural delivery. He kept giving me more numbing shots because I could feel every prod and puncture...but after like 8 bee sting shots, I could still feel every attempt. He finally got it in...or so he pretended. I think that he just gave up and just put it wherever he could just so that he could move on. The crying didn't stop for awhile. I was slightly traumatized at this point and couldn't stop shaking. It didn't take me very long to realize that I was feeling way too much. My doctor broke my water and then told me to get some rest. I was dilated at 4 cm. It was midnight at this point and I was exhausted. My nurse said that she would be back around 2 am to check me. We turned out the lights and I settled in for a two hour nap. About 15 minutes passed and I pretended to ignore my contractions...that makes them go away...right? I felt a sudden and painful urge to push and I started to yell at John to go and get the nurse. I just said, "somethings happening...get someone." He slowly stood up and just looked at me (he's totally thinking I'm crazy) and he says, "so you want me to get someone?" "UMMMM, YES!!!" I exclaimed. As the nurse comes in, my babies heart rate drops dramatically and I'm just thinking, here we go again-that's exactly what happened with Hailey and Isabella and they both had to be pulled out of me! So the nurse hooks me up to oxygen and flips me to my side to get the baby movin' and she finally decides to check me. I am now at 9 1/2 cm! YIKES! That only took 15 minutes! They prepare me for delivery! A nurse attempts to give me a different pain killer through my epidural line which of course doesn't do a thing because the drugs weren't getting to where they needed to be getting. At his point it was too late for any drugs through my IV because of some risk to the baby during delivery. I am TERRIFIED! My contractions were back to back...no breaks at all. All I can say is that I was not prepared and had no idea how to breath through the contractions. My natural instincts took over and I just wanted to push. The nurses kept telling me that I needed to wait for the doctor (who was slowly getting on her delivery outfit) and I just kept screaming, NO I NEED TO PUSH, SOMEONE GET YOUR HANDS DOWN THERE, I NEED TO PUSH! They had already taken the bottom of my bed apart and so I didn't want my baby to end up on the floor. I was so frustrated. Why won't anyone listen to me, was all that I kept thinking. Finally the doctor was ready and I was able to push. Ouch! It hurt really bad and I will never agreeably do that again. The only reason that I was able to keep going was because I knew that the harder I worked at getting out the baby, the faster it would be over. It was a definite feeling of theres no going back! I've never felt more that I can't do this! At one point my doctor said that I could feel his head if I wanted to but I was in so much pain that I didn't have enough energy to even think about moving my arm at all. At 12:59 am, he arrived in all of his handsome glory. He was facing up...which added to my pain and he had the cord wrapped around his little neck. Some great news...as soon as he was out, the pain was gone! Besides the doctor sewing me up (which I felt) I was so releaved to be done. It took me about 2 minutes of just lying there, taking in the whole experience, and then getting over it, before I was ready to enjoy my sweet baby boy. I love him! I absolutely love him.
We didn't get into our recovery room until about 3 am and I was begging to sleep. The lights finally get turned out and I must have had so much adrenalin that I couldn't sleep. Two hours later and I finally beg for something to help me sleep. I was able to sleep for two hours before it was time to take care of my baby. I never did get to go back to sleep and I am still playing catch up from such a crazy night.
My hospital stay was so nice. I loved my hospital and the nurses and was very comfortable. I was able to stay for two more nights and enjoyed all of the care that I was provided. The highlight of my stay was when John brought the girls in the meet their brother. Oh how sweet it was to watch them fall in love with Talon like John and I already had. Pure joy was the best way to describe their faces. They are still loving every second of him.
The girls have been fighting over who gets to hold him all day (exhausting for mommy) but I am so glad that they are so happy to play with him, he fits right in. Isabella doesn't talk a ton but she did come up with "T" for Talon. It's so cute to hear her calling him "T", although that's not a nickname that I would have chosen.
Talon brought them gifts which were baby twins with hospital bracelets and all. Isabella started to call her baby "t" and she cannot be separated from him.
What a great big sister. She really is very good at holding him, although she is way to confident and that makes me nervous.
He is such a sweet little boy. He is a great nurser (I wasn't so sure at first). Once he figured it out, he instantly became a pro. He sucks so hard that my milk actually came in while I was still at the hospital. The next day or two will not be so comfortable.
We are so happy to have Talon in our family. He is so special to us and I am overwhelmed with love for him and his sisters. I feel so blessed to have these sweet children as apart of my family. I know that there will be days when it will be hard, so hard. Each of these children have such different personalities and each comes with there own challenges. Today, I am so thankful for all that comes with each child. The good and the bad. I pray that I might always know what they need and that i might be directed to teach them what they need to know to prepare them for the rest of their life. They are in my care for such a short time and I want to love every second of it. These children are my world and I am so thankful for them.
Okay...I'm crazy I know, but I've been waiting for this post all day:) Congratulations to the both of you!!! He is absolutely beautiful (in a manly way of course!) and looks like the others so much. You and John have created such an amazing family and I enjoy so much watching you guys grow!!! Congratulations again and welcome to the world Talon!!!
What a blessing. Congratulations and Happy Birthday, Talon. I love your last statement the best. We do have them for such a short time. How lucky you are to be able to be with your children, guiding them each day.
He is so freakin' cute! I love the pictures with your girls. Congrats, congrats!
BTW, my epidural with Trev didn't work either...OUCH!!
What an amazing adventure! He is so adorable! I'm so glad the girls have taken to him right away, and that you are all home safe.
Yay Katrina! He's beautiful and youre a trooper. 3 kids! Yikes!!
Congrats!! He is so adorable:)
oh wow, I think it's just boys...cause maddy was a GREAT delivery and THATCHER's was horrible!! my epidural didn't work either and he was facing forward, which adds horrible back labor! I swore I'd NEVER have another child, but of course when he was placed in my arms I knew I would have more...and only 5 months later I was hounding Rocky about having another...oh geesh the crazy things we do for these precious kids!!
I LOVE LOVE the name Talon! where did you come up with it? I have a friend who named her son Tallen. LOVE it!
I'm so glad you wrote down the whole story...let me know how your recovery is, cause mine was harder with Thatcher, again maybe it's just a boy thing or natural birth thing, lol, I dunno.
I SO hope this girl is a nice delivery and I SO hope it's soon! I'm having WAY too many of those "I'm tired of being pregnant" days!!!
What a beautiful post...really.
And can you say, ring of fire?!
Ohhhhh - he is perfect and I felt like I was reading a good novel while reading of your experience. I never knew you were such a good writer.
Congrats to you...lots of love and prayers coming your way. Wish I could hold and love him!!!
Hurray! Wow, I'm so glad that the girls love him so much! I'm really worried about Lydia and Henry. You look fantastic and so does he! Well, now you can say you've had a baby natural, go girl power! I love you and wish I could be there to help you, Gracie mentioned Hailey the other day, she misses her!
Hooray! Welcome Talon! I am glad you guys are both doing well, despite the hard labor and delivery! I was breathless reading that, so intense. Something very similar happend when I had Zach, it is so scary when you aren't ready for it. And I just laugh at the "Wait, don't push yet" from the nurses. They obviously deliver way too many babies with epidurals because when I decided to have Luke w/o drugs, when it was time to push, it was TIME! I wouldn't have stopped either (and didn't, the doc never got her gown thing all the way on), so you go girl! Talon is a beautiful boy! Enjoy life with a boy, I know it will be so different for you!
Congrats! Baby Talon wanted to make sure you would never forget his grand entrance into the world! What a sweet baby, in a way that only little boys are. I love your birth story, nothing like the unexpected! Oliver was born after being at the hospital 45 minutes, they didn't even have time to TRY an epidural. I think that's better than an hour of being poked at without success...
WOW! Congratulations! He is beautiful! The pictures of all of you together are just precious! What a darling little family!
Congratulations for being wonder woman!He is such a cute baby, and it's so fun that he already has a full face. Good luck with the catching up on sleep.
He is adorable! Congrats!
He's a babe! (Hee Hee) He really is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing all the details. I've only had planned c's, so I would've been really scared, too! And I'm SOOO sorry about the whole epidural thing--Yikes! Loved the family pics. You look fantastic by the way! We send our best to you. Congratulations!!!
Congratulations! I loved all the pictures. The kids all look so much alike, they are so cute! So did the epidural not work or what? I'm confused on what happened! I hope you can get some good rest. Good job sweetie and congrats again! I love you!! Love, Mel
Yeah Katrina! He sure is a cutie. I have fears about my epidural not working, or not getting it in time, so your story made me hold my breath. YIKES! I love all the pictures...the pics with your girls are just adorable. It's true, you can see the love they have for their little brother. CUTE!
Congratulations and may your recovery be speedy!
Congratulations, Katrina. He is absolutely perfect. You are such a trooper. I'm sure Heidi wishes she could be with you and hold little Talon. I am so thankful for your friendship in Heidi's life. You are a beautiful person. Motherhood fits you well. Good luck and take care.
Love, Natalie
Katrina, WOW what a night, but look what you have now!!! You look absolutly beautiful--I love the name Talon, he is a big baby, and just beautiful, and has beautiful lips. He doesn't look like a newborn. Your girls have grown so since since I saw them last. Congratulations, best wishen, love ya, vicki
Congratulations!!! Little Talon is soooo adorable! I loved all the details, what a fun night! My epidural with Luke didn't work either but I've already forgotten all the pain! It's so worth it to have these sweet boys! The pictures are so sweet, what a lucky little boy to have two adoring big sisters! I am so happy for you and your sweet family!!
SCARY!!! I'm glad you made it through it. I'm sure in the moment you weren't sure you would (even though women have babies naturally everyday and have been since the beginning of time)... still, when you've had the drugs and expect the drugs... HELLO!! However painful the result is always the BEST. He truly does look like such a sweet little boy... and he will have 2 additional little mothers, hehe. Congrats you guys- thats so exciting. Enjoy your growing family, all the best, we miss you and love you!
Augh, congratulations!! That was so exciting to read about - thank you for sharing the whole story!! I'm glad that everything went well and that everyone is healthy and happy!
Congratulations on your little cute Talon. He's beautiful!
Oh Katrina I read your whole story! That's what happened with Tyler, my second. My first baby's pain/labor was awesome, and then the 2nd, well definitely a disaster! How do your girls like Talon? We're so happy for you. How is John's school going and how much longer does he have?
Congratulations! I haven't checked in for a while, and I'm so glad I finally did! Talon is the cutest! His delivery sounds like a roller coaster ride! At least is sounds like the worst part was pretty quick! Good job getting through it! I bet it was shocking to have to go natural when it's not what you had in mind!
He's darling and the picture of him with the girls is precious!
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