Last week for Family Night we went bowling with some of our new and old friends. Two new families have moved to Virginia from Utah to go to Regent Law School. They both live in our apartment complex which Abbi and I have really enjoyed. Our dear friend Chablis (whose hubby just graduated from Regent Law School) packed up and left for Utah a few weeks ago. We miss her and her cute family immensely. We wish that she were here still bowling right beside us and the new Regent crew.

This is Hailey and her new friend Brielle. I'm not quite sure how we didn't get any pictures of Natalie and Josh, but they are great! They also have another little girl named Hope.

This is the Buttars, Angie and Nate! What a sweet family. They have two beautiful daughters Scarlet and Sahara.

I have to say, the bowling was definitely for the children, and they really enjoyed it....especially Richard. We put the bumpers up on two lanes and let the kids go to town. Poor Abbi and I were bowling too, 9 months pregnant and all! My body is still recovering!

Our sweet little bystanders. They were so patient for their turns.

Check out that stomach! Phew...almost done! I have an appointment on Thursday and I'll update with more information on my delivery of this little guy then. Last week I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. My docs are doing an ultrasound on Thursday to try and guess his size and then they will determine whether or not I need to be induced! On September 8th I'll be 39 weeks along and that is the date that I am aiming to be induced. When I was having Isabella, I had decided that I did not want to be induced. I tried to do all that I could to have her own her time, until her time started to mess with me! After I was one week overdue, I had had enough. I couldn't even walk anymore...really! My back hurt so bad that every step produced a few tears. I do not want to have that happen again so I am crossing my fingers that an induction is the right plan for me.