
Yes! I am pregnant again!!

I do love babies...I think that most people who know me well, know that! I start thinking about the next child mere weeks after delivering the last! With two miscarriages in my past, we are still nervous about getting through the next few weeks, but I'm feeling very pregnant and all looks well so far! I am almost 10 weeks (yes, this baby was conceived a week after my D&C) and we are expecting our baby in September! That means large and round all summer long...you'll be able to find us at the pool!


Hallie said...

Congratulations Katrina!!!! I'm so excited for you!!! I'm the same way you are. I start thinking about the next baby just weeks after the last one is born.

Leah said...

Congrats again!!! Can't wait to find out what you are having!! love you

Andrea said...

This is awesome news!! Congratulations. I hope all goes well and that you feel great!

About Me said...

Congrats!!! Brady and I are so excited for you.

The Smiths said...

Congrats! What wonderful news!

Janell said...

Yippee!! What a great announcement...I'm thrilled for you :) Congratualtions and I, too, hope all goes well.

CLAMES said...

Yeah! Congrats. I'm used to having babies around the same time as you, but it looks like you are on your own this time ! :)

Jazz and Rod said...

Hey Katrina....It's Rodney. I just now had Jasmine teach me how to sign in and navigate so I could respond to your comment. I guess she already wrote you back but just wanted to say hi... and congrats! We will prolly wait a couple years till we add to the family. Marriage is the best though. Hope all goes well and best wishes to u and your family.

T. Bateman said...

Congrats! I am excited to hear the news! Hope all goes well in the coming weeks. Your girls are adorable on your blog. I love seeing the pictures and see them grown. I can't believe Isabella is 1 already. They both look great!

Colleen said...

Hooray for babies! Congratulations, you are a wonderful mother and this baby is so lucky to join such a wonderful family!

Beth said...

Congratulations Katrina! I'm so happy for you guys! I'll pray that all continues to go well!