
Morning Out

Our mornings are either spent going to preschool, teaching preschool, running errands, or a combination of the three! I try to get everything done before nap time so that I beat the rush of the rest of the world. I had a great coupon that was expiring so we decided to go to Chick-fil-a and get our free sandwich and play! The girls had so much fun and so did I...oh to be a kid again! Isabella loved following her sister up the slide and Hailey loved having a playmate. Hailey had a great time taking shots with the camera.


Heidi said...

Chick-Fil-A - Don't we just love it!!

Nielsen Family said...

Wow, did Hailey take that picture of you? I'm impressed! Collin always gets me from the mouth and down!

The Adams Family said...

Those two are so sweet. What would we do without them??

Heather said...

What would we do without eating establishments and their playgrounds?...especially this time of year! You look great and your girls are adorable!

Jazz and Rod said...

Hey Katrina! Rod doesn't know how to use Blogger yet but he wanted me to tell you "Hi" for him and hope you're doing well. You have a beautiful family and look like you are def. living life to it's fullest!
Thanks for the shout out - it was nice to hear from ya!