We spend a lot of time in the car running errands, going to preschool and coming home from preschool, having play dates, going to church and church activities, and visiting Grandma and Grandpa! I have realized that while driving, I actually only spend about 40% of the time looking out of the front window. The other 60% of the time I am actually looking through the rear view mirror...at Hailey. It's amazing that we haven't been in an accident. Typically it's because she's begging for a piece of gum or she dropped something and she HAS to have it...or that one time when she opened up her door while I was driving...fast, she's either spilling something or trying to open her window and she is often taking one of her sister's toys and I'm telling her to give it back while Izzie's screaming in the background. Does this sound familiar? Today while we were headed to a play date straight from preschool, I was encouraging her to try and fall asleep for a few minutes before we arrived. As I was watching her through the mirror, I was stunned by my beautiful little girl! She was resting quietly, not yet quiet asleep with her eyes glazed over with tiredness. My emotions stormed in as I thought, "She is mine...all mine!" She looked so perfect as she sat there quietly and I just tried to enjoy every second of it as I knew it wouldn't last very long. I just kept looking and looking through that mirror trying to capture every spec of her quiet beautifullness. I know that's not a word...but that's how I felt. I love her so much...and I always do, but it's so hard to slow life down sometimes and to think about just how much I love her.
This made me cry. I agree, I too need to slow down and just enjoy the quiet moments. They are priceless.
Ohhh....I felt like I was there with you as you described your beautiful moment with your daughter. Those are the moments that makes life so wonderful! I second your thoughts...she is the most special and beautiful little girl!!
so nice! I love it...I know how you feel and know i need to do the same! love you and your kids
that is so cute! Is that your house in the background. Very nice!
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